2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals

The themes of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda within corporate planning and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are gaining even greater legitimacy as a benchmark and guide in the development of corporate sustainability strategies. BEF Biosystems wants to be part of a shift towards global sustainability and the circular economy, and it also aims to pioneer a new way to combine growth and innovation by innovating the business models of territorial food production chains. The diagram shows the potential consistency elements in BEF’s business model with the strategy for sustainable development.

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- Utilisation of residual thermal energy
- Electricity production from PV systems for the Bugsfarms
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- Integrated and strategic production chain management
- R&D for technological development
- Enhancement of the technological capabilities of agricultural enterprises
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- Distributed enterprise
- Social enterprise
- Territorial infrastructures
- Community involvement
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- Reduced food waste
- Circular economy
- Sustainable protein production
- Animal welfare
- Responsible consumption
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- Reduced CO2 -emissions compared to composting
- Energy valorisation of organic residues
- Zero-emission industrial model
- Attenuation of environmental risks
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- Less fish meal in feed formulation
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- Digestate for soil improvement and fertilisation
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- Public Private Partnership
- Production chain collaboration for environmental quality and innovation


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