Funding Bugsfarm Pilot Project – INSECT FACTORY.

Funding Bugsfarm Pilot Project – INSECT FACTORY.

The project is financed with €400,000 investment from BEF Biosystems partners and €400,000 in ERDF funds from the European Union Thematic Objective 1 - Axis I Research, Technological Development and Innovation Action I.1.b.4.1 "Support for the creation and consolidation of innovative application- and knowledge-intensive start-ups and research spin-off initiatives"
Tender TEST4DIGITALIZATION | The Trieste Science and Technology Research Area – Area Science Park

Tender TEST4DIGITALIZATION | The Trieste Science and Technology Research Area – Area Science Park

BEF Biosystems and OPTIMAD Engineering participated in a public call for proposals last February and were recently approved for funding. By the end of May it is hoped that the paperwork will be finalized so that work can begin as early as early June this year.


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