
BSF protein derivatives - protein meals and hydrolysates - contain a high amount of low molecular weight peptides: known for their antioxidant potential, they are useful for their free radical removal property and immune response enhancing effect.

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Live larva

By EU legislation soldier fly larvae are considered a suitable feed material to all intents and purposes.

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Insect frass is the residue from larvae bioconversion processes and is made of undigested food, droppings, and exoskeleton residues.

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Soldier fly fat is extracted from larvae dried through a degreasing process whereby the lipid component is separated from the protein component. BSF fat is rich in lauric acid, or dodecanoic acid, which makes it valuable to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and animal feed industries because of its antibacterial, soothing and highly digestible properties.

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The exuviae of flies – the casings that the insects leave behind after the final stage of metamorphosis from pupa to adult – are rich in chitin, a structural aminopolysaccharide that can be converted to chitosan through a process of deacetylation.

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